2021 Coaching Slots Are Now Open!

What Do I Need For My Call?

  1. U.S. Based Phone Plan. The technology you need is right in your pocket. All you need is a U.S. based phone plan, 45 minutes to spare, and working phone. 
  2. Quiet Space. You will get the most out of our time if you can fully focus on our call. The occasional dog bark or kid cry is fine, but try to make arrangements so you'll have the full time to focus on our call. Please turn off background music / tv prior to our call. A headset or headphones with a mic can do wonders to improve call quality. Speakerphone, blu tooth speakers, and car speakers can sometimes have poor call quality. I may ask you to take the call off those devices. 
  3. Notebook. Taking notes is a great way to further absorb what you're hearing and learning. I encourage all my clients to take their own notes during our call. Don't worry about getting every word, but take down main points, resources, and homework. If you need me to slow down or repeat myself, just ask! 

I will call you at the time you selected at the phone number you provided when you booked your time slot. Answer the phone! My number is a 651 area code coming from Minneapolis Minnesota. 

3 Lessons

What Should I Expect?

You may have questions and that's okay -- actually it's encouraged! Go through these modules to get answers to some of the most common questions. If you have other questions, please email me at christine@girlwhomakeslemonade.com 

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